Compare the cheapest fixed electricity rates

Best electricity usage rates summary

Looking for the lowest fixed electricity rates?

We’ve summarised the cheapest fixed residential usage rates for New South Wales, South East Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory for each retailer’s publicly listed electricity plans.
Fixed rate plans commonly fix the usage and supply charges for a “Benefit Period” of 12 months. However, some plans fix the rates until a specified date (which is noted in the “Key Conditions” column in the tables below).

The first table ranks Anytime (aka flat) rates. The following table ranks Time of Use rates.

Some states have multiple electricity networks with different rates. If you’re not sure what electricity network you are connected to, it will be listed listed under the emergency contacts section on a recent electricity bill.

Select your State/Territory:

^ Rates shown include GST and all available discounts. Plans are updated weekly from retailer’s Basic Plan Information Documents (BPIDs)/Energy Price Fact Sheets
* Reference Price discount refers to the discount off the yearly cost of the Default Market Offer (DMO) for NSW, QLD and SA, Victorian Default Offer (VDO) or ActewAGL Standing offer for ACT for a household on a flat/anytime rate without controlled load tariff. Discount is calculated based on annual usage in each state/network area of 7,722kWh (ACT), 3,900kWh (NSW-Ausgrid), 4900kWh (NSW-Endeavour), 4600kWh (NSW-Essential), 4600kWh (QLD-Energex), 4000 (SA) and 4000kWh (VIC). The DMO and VDO reference price discount is a guide (provided by the AER and ESC) and does not take into account solar export nor a property’s actual annual usage or when that usage occurs (for time of use plans).
– Battery only and Electric Vehicle only plans that require the household to have a battery or EV are not included in the tables above due to the small portion of consumers who qualify for these plans. These plans are still visible on the retailer rates pages.
– Retailers in the ACT are ranked based on the estimated cost for their lowest cost plan for a household using 7,722kWh p.a. This is the benchmark usage for a 3-person household in the ACT.

2024-25 DMO electricity price

2024-25 DMO electricity price pause

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has today announced its final determination for the 2024-25 DMO electricity price. The good news is electricity prices rises are on pause – with a small decrease!

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