Compare cheapest electricity by network

Cheapest electricity rates by location in Australia

Looking to find who offers the cheapest electricity rates for where you live?

Click the links below to see the cheapest electricity by retailer available in each network.

It pays to switch and save

Energy prices rose sharply in 2023. Most customers paid double digit price increases for their electricity and gas. The ACCC found that consumers who don’t regularly shop around for a competitive deal end up paying higher prices. Australia’s consumer watchdog said that 79% of households paid more for electricity than the median market offer for new customers – and these households could save money by switching to a cheaper deal. So, if you want to make serious savings on your energy costs, it’s vital to check out your options. You’ll find WATTever’s free comparison service includes ALL retailers to help you find the best deal.

You can check the network for your postcode below – then click the link to see the cheapest rates ranked by each retailer in your network.