Compare Tango Energy electricity rates

Compare Tango EnergyLooking to compare Tango Energy electricity rates and plans? We’ve summarised Tango Energy’s current residential plans below.

Want to compare Tango Energy against the rest of the market? WATTever’s free personalised electricity comparison includes all publicly listed plans in your location to help you find the best deal! Start your comparison here and ensure that you’re well informed.

Select your State/Territory:

Tango Energy plans for the Ausgrid network (Sydney, Central Coast, Hunter Region and Newcastle)

Anytime tariff

Time Of Use tariff

Time Of Use Demand tariff

Tango Energy plans for the Endeavour Energy network (Western Sydney, Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands and Illawarra)

Anytime tariff

Time Of Use 3 Rate tariff

Anytime Demand tariff

Tango Energy plans for the Essential Energy network (Regional NSW)

Anytime tariff

Time Of Use tariff

Tango Energy plans for the Energex Network (South East Queensland)

Anytime tariff

Time Of Use tariff

Anytime Demand tariff

Tango Energy plans for South Australia

Anytime tariff

Time Of Use tariff

Tango Energy plans for the AusNet Services Network (Eastern Victoria)

Anytime tariff

Time Of Use 2 Rate tariff

Tango Energy plans for the CitiPower Network (Melbourne CBD and inner suburbs)

Anytime tariff

Time Of Use 2 Rate tariff

Tango Energy plans for the Jemena Network (North West Melbourne)

Anytime tariff

Time Of Use 2 Rate tariff