Forty three energy retailers compared in one place

We want you to find the best energy deals. That’s why you’ll see 42 electricity retailers and 22 gas retailers compared on Our comprehensive comparison ranks publicly-listed electricity and gas offers by price from the retailers serving your location, based on your unique energy usage. How do we know? WATTever is Australia’s largest publisher of retail energy pricing information, providing price data and software to the energy industry. We believe every Australian deserves to better informed about energy. So, we’re sharing our comprehensive price information to help fellow households and businesses get a better deal.

WATTever compares energy plans from the following retailers:

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Every month 25,000+ Aussies check WATTever for the best energy deals, latest prices and feed-in tariffs.
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Comparing more energy retailers means you could save more

Best rate summary

Want the best deal for your energy?

When you’re looking to find a great deal, you know that it pays to shop around. But most so called ‘comparison services’ only include six to eight retailers and just the deals they make money on. You can do better.

WATTever makes it easy to compare the widest range of retailers to help you find the biggest savings.

Top Secret

We compare retailers others don’t

WATTever includes retailers you won’t see on other comparisons. You’ll discover innovative new electricity suppliers alongside well-known brands. Often it’s the small energy retailers that offer the most competitive prices. Compare side-by-side and uncover the best deals for you. 
Compare electricity in every state and territory of Australia

Compare in every state and territory

In Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, South East Queensland, Tasmania and the ACT, you have a choice  of electricity retailers for home and business. The cheapest retailers can provide you with serious savings. In Regional Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australian only one supplier will be available, however there still may be a choice of plans.

Ready to see how much you can save?​

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As of 20 June, 2023, the following energy retailers are not offering energy plans to new customers.
  1. Arc Energy Group
  2. Brighte Energy
  3. Discover Energy
  4. Electricity in a Box
  5. Future X Power
  6. GEE Energy
  7. Glow Power
  8. Locality Planning Energy
  9. On by EnergyAustralia
  10. Smart Energy