Business Daily Supply Charges Comparison

Business electricity daily supply charges Daily supply charges are the amount your business pays to be connected to the electricity grid. Also called the ‘service to property’ charge, fixed charge or service charge, they are usually shown on your bill as a daily rate. Business daily supply charges are not based on how much energy you use. Electricity daily supply charges vary depending on three things;
1. The electricity network region you are connected to. There are 15 major electricity networks in Australia.
2. What type of tariff you are on. This includes flat/anytime or time of use.
3. The electricity retailer who you buy power through.

Listed below are electricity retailer’s daily supply charges for business customers in ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA. A low daily supply charge is important, but you also need to consider the usage rates (and feed-in tariffs if you have solar) to ensure you get the best deal. WATTever’s comprehensive electricity comparison makes it easy to get it right by including all this information for every retailer.

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