Looking for the lowest gas rates in Victoria?
We’ve summarised the cheapest residential gas usage rates for all of the gas networks across Victoria including Australian Gas Networks, AusNet Services and Multinet for each retailer’s publicly listed gas plans.Select your gas network:
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC AGN Bairnsdale network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC AGN Cardinia network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC AGN Central 1 (South East) network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC AGN Central 2 (East) network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC AGN Mildura network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC AGN Murray Valley network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC AGN North network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC AusNet Services Adjoining Central network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC AusNet Services Adjoining West network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC AusNet Services Central 1 (Central) network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC AusNet Services Central 2 (North) network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC AusNet Services West network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC Multinet Gippsland network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC Multinet Main 1 (Metro/North) network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC Multinet Main 2 (South) network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the VIC Multinet Yarra Valley network
Usage Rate shown is per MJ for the first block and includes GST and all available discounts.
Other block usage rates may apply on each plan so make sure to review the Basic Plan Information/Energy Price Fact Sheet links.
Plan rates are variable and future rates may be subject to change by the Retailer - except where plan rates are stated as fixed in the Basic Plan Information Documents/Energy Price Fact Sheet.
Plans are updated each weekday from the Retailer's Basic Plan Information Documents/Energy Price Fact Sheets (except plans for WA and NT).
Cost/Year estimate shown is for the first year including conditional discounts and is calculated based on household benchmark usage for each state:
NSW - 19,978 MJ of gas p.a.
VIC - 50,743 MJ of gas p.a.
QLD - 7,649 MJ of gas p.a.
SA - 22,321 MJ of gas p.a.
ACT - 36,936 MJ of gas p.a.
TAS - 36.936 MJ of gas p.a.
WA - 18,542 MJ of gas p.a.
Source: Benchmark household gas usage from the AER (Australia Energy Regulator)