Compare Solstice Energy business rates

Compare Solstice EnergyLooking to compare Solstice Energy business rates and plans? We’ve summarised Solstice Energy current small business plans below.

Select your State & Gas Network:

Solstice Energy small business gas plans for Tasmania

Solstice Energy small business gas plans for the Enwave Victorian Network

^ Rates shown are per MJ and include GST and all available discounts.
Plans are updated daily from retailer’s Basic Plan Information Documents (BPIDs)/Energy Price Fact Sheets.
*The Reference Price is calculated based on the estimated cost for a business using:
NSW – 19,978 MJ of gas p.a.
VIC – 50,743 MJ of gas p.a.
QLD – 7,649 MJ of gas p.a.
SA – 22,321 MJ of gas p.a.
ACT – 36,936 MJ of gas p.a.
TAS – 36.936 MJ of gas p.a.
WA – 18,542 MJ of gas p.a.
Source: Benchmark gas usage from the AER (Australia Energy Regulator)