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Time Varying Solar Clock Sun

Time-varying solar tariffs now in Victoria

EnergyAustralia offers 29c kWh peak feed-in tariff. EnergyAustralia is the first retailer to provide time-varying solar feed-in tariffs in Victoria. On September 15 2018, four residential electricity plans were launched that pay solar owners almost triple their standard feed-in

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Wholesale Electricity Prices

Wholesale power prices for your home

For current Energy Locals electricity rates, go here. Energy Locals announce lower electricity rates for customers. Continuing to shake up the electricity industry, Energy Locals new Member Promise 2020 plan offers low ‘wholesale prices’, fixed until 2020.

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Half price solar for Victoria

Half price solar rebate for Victoria now available

Premier Andrews wants to hook your home up to solar and cover half the cost. The Victorian Government has announced a $1.2b scheme to support 650,000 households taking up solar. The state has lagged the rest of the country in household solar, but this is set to change

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ACCC reports that WATTever compares more retailers than others

ACCC and AEMC reports put WATTever on top

The long awaited ACCC Retail Electricity Pricing Inquiry Report was released on July 11. The ACCC took aim at retailers, networks and the lack of consistent government policy. Electricity comparison services came under scrutiny too – and rightly so!

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Ausgrid Time of Use Seasonal Change

Ausgrid Seasonal Time Of Use from July 2018

From 1 July 2018, Ausgrid have moved to seasonal Time Of Use periods. If you have a home or small businesses in Northern or Eastern Sydney, the Central Coast or parts of the Hunter region you’ll soon experience a change to your ‘peak periods’. This is designed to reflect the

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Electricity watchouts sharks sighted

Electricity watchouts you need to know

Founder of WATTever David Hiley, puts a spotlight on the darker side of retailer behaviour and the practices that are giving the industry a bad name. This is the first in a series of articles about opportunities we see to “fix electricity” in the contestable electricity markets in Australia.

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July 2018 Electricity Price Changes

Electricity prices flat from July 2018 in NSW, QLD and SA

Major retailers have announced flat or slightly lower electricity prices in New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia from July 2018 for households and small business. Sure, it’s a welcome change after the 15-20% price increase in July 2017 which sparked a lot of anger. At the same time Australia’s

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Solar feed-in tariffs to fall in July 2018

Solar feed-in tariffs to fall in July 2018

Solar feed-in tariffs are expected to fall from July 1 2018 in most states. This is due to a reduction in the forward wholesale electricity prices. Forward prices are a key driver of the feed-in tariffs paid by retailers. In Victoria, the Essential Services Commission has reduced its mandated minimum

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Energy comparison services compared

Electricity comparison services compared

What is Australia’s best electricity comparison service? There are lots of services that claim to help save you money by comparing electricity. So who does it best? We think it’s about time the tables were turned on electricity comparisons and they were compared side-by-side.

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