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Amber Electric Wholesale Pricing

Amber Electric get radical with power pricing

If you can handle your bill fluctuating with wholesale prices then Amber Electric might just be a way to end up paying a whole lot less for energy. This article is the first in a series profiling new electricity retailers that are set to shake up the energy industry.

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Victorian Default Electricity Offer Zero Sum Game

Draft Victorian Default Offer – a zero sum game

The Victorian Essential Service Commission (ESC) on Friday 8th March released advice to the government to establish a Victorian default electricity offer (VDO). There’s big claims around savings. But will the VDO make any difference to how much Victorians spend on electricity? Or is it just a zero-sum game?

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RIP Standing Offers

RIP Standing Offers: Who wins and loses?

From July 1, new ‘Default Prices’ will help reduce energy bills for households currently on “standing offers” across NSW, Queensland and South Australia. So, who will this help and is there any downside? 

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Victorian Electricity Prices Flat January 2019

Victorian electricity prices flatline in January 2019

January is the time when retailers adjust Victorian electricity prices. Last year, AGL, Origin and Energy Australia raised electricity usage rates by around 15% in Victoria. The good news is electricity rates are mostly unchanged in January 2019 for many retailers

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Two million solar roof top systems in Australia

Aussie rooftop solar eclipses two million homes

Australia has just eclipsed two million solar rooftop systems. In Canberra, there may be confusion around energy policy. Everywhere else it’s clear that households are voting with their wallets on where they’ll find cheaper and cleaner electricity.

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Half Price Solar Boom for Victoria

Victorian election win for half price solar

The election win by the Andrews Labour government on Saturday has sealed the deal for a huge solar boom in Victoria. First announced in August, the energy policy promises 650,000 Victorian household access to a half price rebate for a 4kW solar set up

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Solar Battery Arbitrage

Solar Arbitrage – profiting from solar and battery

Buy low and sell high. That’s the catch cry of arbitrage. Few people realise it, but there are opportunities for owners of battery and solar setups to do just that with the right electricity plan. Like any arbitrage opportunity, if you’re in the know, then you can benefit from the

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Solar feed-in tariff battle

Retailers battle for highest feed-in tariff

The solar feed-in battle is on. Origin Energy has hit back at rival AGL by introducing high feed-in tariffs targeted at winning over solar owners. While the Origin plans don’t have any export caps, a PV system limit of 10kW applies. Let’s look at the plans and who stands to

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Energy Locals arrive in South Australia

Energy Locals arrive in South Australia

Electricity retailer Energy Locals have been making waves in NSW, ACT and Queensland with their promise of cheap, fair and clean energy. Now it’s South Australia’s turn and Energy Locals are not holding back. On their first day in the market, Energy Locals offered the cheapest plan for households

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Fast Battery Payback

Fast payback energy storage

Like many solar owners, I’ve been watching with great interest as more energy storage products become available in Australia. The introduction of all-in-one energy storage systems and hybrid inverters have helped bring prices down

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