Business Solar Feed-in Tariffs by State and Territory

Business solar feed-in tariffsBusiness solar feed-in tariffs (FIT) are a payment made to a business for the electricity they generate through solar PV system and send back into the grid.
Listed here are the latest electricity retailer’s solar feed-in tariffs for small businesses in ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA. These are retailer-provided solar feed-in tariffs  and do not include any bonus feed-in tariff that may be provided by state or territory governments. Those premium feed-in tariffs schemes are closed to new entrants.

A great solar feed-in tariff is important, but to ensure you find the best deal you also need to consider usage rates and supply charges. WATTever’s comprehensive electricity comparison makes it easy to get it right by including all this information for every retailer.

Select your State/Territory:

New South Wales solar feed-in tariffs for small businesses by electricity retailer (cents per kWh exported)

Note: We show minimum and maximum feed-in tariffs (FITs) as some retailers offer different FITs on different plans.

Feed-in tariffs (FITs) shown exclude GST. GST on feed-in tariffs is only paid to ABN holders. Feed-in tariffs are sourced from the Retailer's published Basic Plan Information Documents/Energy Price Fact Sheets. Some plans may have additional conditions relating to solar feed-in tariffs not displayed here. Please review the Retailer's Terms and Conditions before taking up any contract. FITs are typically variable, and future FITs may be subject to change by the Retailer. Where a Premium FIT is paid, please note that all premium feed-in tariff schemes are closed to new entrants, so if you are not currently receiving a premium feed-in tariff, you will only be able to receive the standard feed-in tariff.

“Market-linked plans” that have their rates tied directly to the wholesale market spot price are not included in the tables above because these rates vary every day and cannot be compared like-for-like with most plans where the published rate is the rate you pay. To view indicative rates and feed-in tariffs published for small business market-linked plans, please see WATTever’s rates page for Amber.
ActewAGL offers electricity plans in a small number of postcodes in the Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy networks. Please refer to the ActewAGL business feed-in tariff page for their plans.