Looking for the lowest gas rates in Western Australia?
We’ve summarised the cheapest residential gas usage rates for all of the gas networks across Western Australia including the ATCO and Esperance Energy networks for each retailer’s publicly listed gas plans.Select your gas network:
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the ATCO MWSW network
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the ATCO Albany network
Consumer Code | Network | Retailer | Usage Block 1 Rate | Off Peak Gas Usage 1 Rate | Supply Charge | Reference Price * | WMO Reference Price | Link to Plans |
RES001 | ATCO Albany | Alinta Energy | 5.65c | 27.96c | 1,179 | 1,179 |
Cheapest gas rates by retailer in the ATCO Kalgoorlie network
^ Rates shown are per MJ and include GST and all available discounts.
Plans are updated each weekday from the Retailer's Basic Plan Information Documents/Energy Price Fact Sheets (except plans for WA and NT).
*The Reference Price is calculated based on the estimated cost for a household using:
NSW - 19,978 MJ of gas p.a.
VIC - 50,743 MJ of gas p.a.
QLD - 7,649 MJ of gas p.a.
SA - 22,321 MJ of gas p.a.
ACT - 36,936 MJ of gas p.a.
TAS - 36.936 MJ of gas p.a.
WA - 18,542 MJ of gas p.a.
Source: Benchmark household gas usage from the AER (Australia Energy Regulator)
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