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Daytime Saver EV plans

Where are the Daytime Saver EV plans?

A growing number of energy retailers now offer electricity plans for households with EVs. The biggest drawcard on these “EV-only” plans is usually their discounted EV “charging” hours. With electricity generation is at its cheapest during the middle of the day across Australia, the obvious question is, where are all

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tariffs in energex

Tariffs in Energex for smart meters households. WTH is going on?

Some households in South East Queensland with smart meters installed since 2017 are discovering something is happening with the tariff attached to their meter. Previously their power bills had a flat rate but now most retailers are only making available demand tariffs these smart meter households. We’ll break down why this is

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2023-24 DMO electricity price surge

2023-24 DMO electricity prices surge

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has today released their final determination for the 2023–24 DMO (Default Market Offer) prices. Sure, there is only a small percentage of households on the DMO offer. But, like the canary in the coal mine – when the DMO price goes up, it’s a clear signal that

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2023-24 VDO electricity-prices soar

2023-24 VDO Victoria’s electricity prices soar

Victoria’s Essential Service Commission (ESC) has released its final determination for the 2023–24 VDO (Victorian Default Offer) electricity prices today. The 2023–24 VDO is set to soar with an annual increase of around 25 per cent. For residential customers, that’s an extra $352 p.a. (if 4,000 kWh usage), and $752 for small

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Energy bill relief for households

Energy Bill Relief for households

Help is on the way to assist concession-holder households cover rising electricity costs. The Commonwealth Government and state and territory governments are pitching in to counter surging energy prices to protect vulnerable consumers.

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Energy bill relief for business

Energy Bill Relief for business

Rising costs are at a boiling point for business. So, the Commonwealth Government along with state and territory governments have introduced Energy Bill Relief for business to counter surging energy prices.

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power your home-from an ev

How to power your home from an EV with V2L

Since the Hyundai Ioniq 5 landed in Australia in late 2021, there have been an increasing number of EVs that offer Vehicle To Load (V2L) capability. We’ve powered electric BBQs, coffee machines and high-pressure hoses from our Ioniq 5, so I can attest that there are many uses for V2L.

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maximise battery returns

How to maximise battery returns

Are you motivated to maximise the return on your home battery investment? Here’s the essential checklist of things to consider if you want to boost the payback on your storage. This includes what to factor in before you buy along with what current owners can do.

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