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If you want to compare gas prices and charges you’ve come to the right place. WATTever is Australia’s largest publisher of retail energy pricing information. How do we know? WATTever provides retail pricing data and software to the energy industry. We believe every Australian deserves to better informed about energy, so we’re sharing our comprehensive price information.
You can choose to Find the Best Deal with our personalised gas comparison. Or get into the details for usage rates, supply charges and more on the links below. WATTever’s up to date comparison tables include all retailers and publicly listed plans. Plus we cover home and business gas plans. It’s all the information you need to find a better deal, now in one place!
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All retailers. Every publicly listed plan.
100% online. No phone calls.

Compare cheapest gas rates

Looking for the cheapest gas rates? Click the links below show to see the lowest usage rates for each retailer’s publicly listed gas plans. These comparison tables cover plans for homes and business in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart, Perth and Darwin. WATTever update rates every week after scanning gas pricing from every retailer.
Compare gas usage rates

Usage Rates are the price you pay for each unit of gas consumed for cooking or heating or running hot water units. A measure of gas is called a megajoule (MJ), and unit prices are displayed as cents per megajoule (c/MJ). Some gas offers use block tariffs. Block tariffs have different prices between one block (quantity) of gas and the next, often decreasing with volume. If you are household or business in the ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC or WA we’ve got you covered with gas retailer’s latest usage rates.
Compare gas daily supply charges

Daily supply charges are the amount you pay for your premises to stay connected to the gas network. They apply whether you use any gas or not. On your gas bill, supply charges are shown as a daily rate. If you are a low user of gas, running only one or two appliances, then daily supply could make a large slice of the bill. You can compare gas retailer’s daily supply charges for households and business on the links below.
Find Gas Energy Fact Sheets & BPIDs

Energy retailers are required by regulation to publish a standard document that sets out pricing information for each gas plan. These are called Energy Fact Sheets (EFS) in Victoria and Basic Plan Information Documents (BPIDs) in NSW, QLD, SA, ACT and Tasmania. The link below takes you to WATTever’s unique Gas Fact Sheet Finder. Then you can search and instantly view BPIDs and EFSs for current publicly-listed gas plans from retailers across Australia.