Compare the cheapest fixed gas rates

cheapest gas rates podiumLooking for the lowest fixed gas rates?

We’ve summarised the cheapest residential gas fixed usage rates for Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth for each retailer’s publicly listed gas plans. Fixed rate plans generally have a 12 month benefit period however some will be fixed to a specific date so make sure to check the Basic Plan Information Document / Energy Price Fact Sheets for the duration of the fixed rate period.

Be aware that gas usage rates are typically charged in blocks, so a single rate may not be the whole story. To find the best deal, click here for WATTever’s hassle-free online comparison to see a personalised cost ranking of the cheapest gas plans for your unique usage. It’s the easiest way to see which gas deals hit the sweet spot for your situation.

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^ Rates shown are per MJ and include GST and all available discounts. Plans are updated weekly from retailer’s Basic Plan Information Documents (BPIDs)/Energy Price Fact Sheets.

Retailer plans are ranked based on the estimated cost for their lowest cost plan for a household using:
ACT – 36,936 MJ of gas p.a. in the Evoenergy network.
NSW – 19,978 MJ of gas p.a. in the Jemena network.
QLD – 7,649 MJ of gas p.a. in the AGN Brisbane network.
SA – 22,321 MJ of gas p.a. in the AGN South Australia network.
TAS – 36.936 MJ of gas p.a. in the Tas Gas network.
VIC – 50,743 MJ of gas p.a. in the AGN Central 2 network.
WA – 18,542 MJ of gas p.a. in the ATCO MWSW network.

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2024-25 DMO electricity price pause

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