How to maximise battery returns

Are you motivated to maximise the return on your home battery investment? Here's the essential checklist of things to consider if you want to boost the payback on your storage. This includes what to factor in before you buy along with what current owners can do. (more…)

What plans do energy experts choose?

I've been entering electricity plans from all retailers in Australia for our comparison service for over five years. As a result, I review the best possible deals in the market every day. There have been lots of changes in the market during this time. Plans have appeared, evolved or become...

How to step up to bigger electricity savings

There is increasing frustration about energy prices. Whether it's falling feed-in tariffs or rising prices to buy electricity, even in the middle of the day, when consumers - especially solar owners receiving low feed-in tariffs - know it should be cheaper. So, how can you minimise the climbing cost of...

Rooftop solar payback drops to 3 years

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) says payback time will likely get even better in 2023 in their latest report. "If retail energy prices increase next year to the level some predict, the average payback period for a rooftop solar system could decline from about 4 years to 3 years." (more…)

Half of electricity retailers ditch market offers

With big price increases ahead many retailers are closing the door to new customers until further notice. In under a month, the number of power providers with market offers has halved. As of 17th Mar 2023, over twenty-five electricity retailers have removed their market offers in NSW and QLD.  (more…)

Electricity retailers break up with customers

At least ten electricity retailers have told their customers that a huge price increase is on the way. It's so big that many of these retailers have advised customers to find a cheaper deal elsewhere. It's one more example of how severe the looming energy price surge is. (more…)

2022 DMO VDO electricity prices up from July

Last week the Australian Energy Regulator and Victoria's Essential Services Commission released their pricing for 2022-23. It's not the stable pricing both predicted last year. It's just another sign of the big jump in power prices. (more…)

Most energy prices are changing from July 1. We expect it will take 7 days for WATTever to update over 5,000 plan. So, we recommend comparing plans after Monday 8th July.