The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has today announced its final determination for the 2024-25 DMO electricity price. The good news is electricity prices rises are on pause - with a small decrease! (more…)
Demand Tariffs in NSW. The need to knows.
Let's talk about demand tariffs in NSW. Many households don't even know they have a demand tariff associated with their property. And lots of those that do wish they didn't have it. This Guide explains the important things you should know if you have a demand tariff and are looking...
Tariffs in Energex for smart meters households. WTH is going on?
Some households in South East Queensland with smart meters installed since 2017 are discovering something is happening with the tariff attached to their meter. Previously their power bills had a flat rate but now most retailers are only making available demand tariffs these smart meter households.We'll break down why this is happening,...
2023-24 DMO electricity prices surge
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has today released their final determination for the 2023–24 DMO (Default Market Offer) prices. Sure, there is only a small percentage of households on the DMO offer. But, like the canary in the coal mine - when the DMO price goes up, it's a clear signal that...