Ausgrid Community Battery trial
Over the last 6 months of 2024, Ausgrid has rolled out 19 Community Batteries across parts of Sydney, Newcastle and the Central Coast.
Over the last 6 months of 2024, Ausgrid has rolled out 19 Community Batteries across parts of Sydney, Newcastle and the Central Coast.
The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) has urged energy consumers to shop around for cheaper electricity plans.
There’s been a fair bit of noise about the so-called “sun tax” that solar households in the Ausgrid network (Sydney/Hunter/Central Coast) will soon be subject to.
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has today announced its final determination for the 2024-25 DMO electricity price. The good news is electricity prices rises are on pause – with a small decrease!
Victoria’s Essential Service Commission (ESC) has released its final determination for the 2024–25 Victorian Default Offer electricity price (VDO). Finally, energy prices are set to fall.
Two new tariffs will be coming to Endeavour Energy’s network starting in July 2024. They’re all about better-managing the huge amount of daytime solar.
Nearly half of households in the Ausgrid network are on the Seasonal Time of Use tariff, also called EA025. From July 1, there’s a big change coming.
All Australian households are set to receive a $300 energy rebate from the Australian Government from July 2024. While eligible small businesses will get $325. This $3.5 billion cost-of-living measure announced in the federal budget will be automatically applied to the energy bills.
Let’s talk about demand tariffs in NSW. Many households don’t even know they have a demand tariff associated with their property. And lots of those that do wish they didn’t have it. This Guide explains the important things you should know if you have a demand tariff and are looking
Given the millions of energy customers, it’s not surprising that thousands of complaints about energy retailers are made annually. Customers want some form of resolution and, at the very least, acknowledgement of the issue raised.
For the first time, Australia’s consumer watchdog, the ACCC has used their compulsory information-gathering powers to obtain commercially sensitive data from energy providers about what they charge their existing customers.
If you’re on a Time Of Use electricity tariff in the Ausgrid network (Sydney, Central Coast or Hunter Region), chances are your retailer has been giving you a raw deal.