Latest Business Electricity Plans

WATTever's technology and team actively monitors retailer websites to get the most up to date electricity plan information. Published here are the "Valid From" date of the latest market and regulated business electricity plans for each retailer in each state, that are currently included in WATTever's electricity comparison service. It’s...

Business Time Of Use Periods by Electricity Network

Time Of Use (also known as Flexible or TOU) tariffs have different prices for electricity at different periods of the day. By understanding these periods you may be able to make decisions to shift when your business uses power to times when it is cheaper to buy electricity from the...

Business Demand Periods by Electricity Network

Demand tariffs for business have an additional charge tied to the maximum amount of electricity used in a specified time period. By understanding these time periods you can make decisions to minimise using grid power during the hours when peak demand is measured to reduce your small business electricity bill. For...